It’s normal for people to blush on occasion, especially if your body feels hot. Problems happen when the fear of blushing actually brings it on and creates a ‘loop’ or self-inflicted pattern of thought and behaviour. The problem usually starts for most people when someone commented on it in the past, possibly even made a joke about it, and the blusher reacts with feeling embaressed, self-conscious, excluded or feeling different than others. The blusher tries in vain to prevent a repeat occurrence of this situation in the future by fretting or worrying about blushing. Ironically, this only serves to prolong the blushing becausee the more we think about something, the more prominent it becomes and the more present it is in our lives.
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Psychologist and clinical hypnotist Felix Economakis has combined the best of psychological treatments, NLP and clinical hypnosis to provide fast, effective and lasting results with all kinds of Erythrophobia problems. His combination of treatments allows you to: